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The word is out, there is a solution to bedrock groundwater impacts!

AST’S CUSTOM BEDROCK INJECTION SYSTEM IS UNIQUE IN THE REMEDIATION INDUSTRY. It combines high-capacity pumping and a custom set of straddle packers to isolate discrete geologic features and contaminant mass. The custom straddle packer’s features include unconfined inflation pressures up to 2,250 psi, independent control of the upper and lower packers, and targeted injection intervals as narrow as 18 inches. Injection flow rates of 45 to 250 gallons per minute at pressures of up to 2,000 psi allow AST to emplace injection fluids and slurries within both low and highly transmissive bedrock features including bedding planes, fractures, and across fault systems. The combination of this unique equipment and AST’s experienced injection staff lead to more effective and efficient cleanup of contaminated bedrock sites.

Our portfolio of bedrock projects continues to grow as our consulting partners learn that a solution exists to solve their client’s legacy impacted bedrock sites. AST’s advancement in remediation tools and injection techniques is being used across the United States to ultimately achieve cleanup standards and close sites that were once declared technically impractical to remediate.

Bedrock Injection Projects

Overburden and Bedrock Remediation at Retail Gas Site (BOS 200®)

May 8, 2019

Fractured Bedrock Remediation at Former Truck Stop (BOS 200®)

May 8, 2019