Trap & Treat® BOS 200® was used to remediate petroleum hydrocarbon impacted groundwater in shallow overburdened soil at a former retail gasoline site in Southern California. After a thorough remedial design characterization was completed, BOS 200® was surgically injected to successfully achieve the site cleanup goals. A No Further Action was issued in April 2018.

Successful BOS 200® Application Results in Closure of Southern California UST Site
The site is a former retail gasoline station and current convenience store. The primary challenge was maintaining a safe work environment at a highly trafficked project site. The objective of the remedial action was to meet the criteria of California’s Low Threat Underground Storage Tank closure policy. Non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) has not been reported to be present at the site since 2004.
• Five (5) Remedial Design Characterizations (RDC) soil borings were advanced at the site; 33 soil samples were submitted to the RPI Project Support Laboratory. Analyses were performed pro bono.
•Based upon the RDC results, a BOS 200® surgical remedy was designed.
•7,650 lbs of BOS 200®, 750 lbs of gypsum, and 15 gal of bacteria concentrate were applied into 36 injection locations (7.5 ft injection point spacing).
Reagent price = $42,800.
•All compliance wells were thoroughly redeveloped post-injection.
Southern California
Retail Gas Station
Key Dates:
•Remedial Design Characterization – May 2016
•Implementation – October 2016
•No Further Action – April 2018
Treatment Area: 2,000ft2
Lithology: Variable, silty sand to weathered granite
Depth To Water: 8 to 10 ft below ground surface (bgs)
Contaminants: Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons
Total volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (TVPH) and Benzene concentrations in the five compliance wells were reduced 66.3 to 100% and 97.7-100% respectively. It is important to note that for most wells the concentrations decreased immediately (due to carbon adsorption), then gradually trended down to their current values. This gradual decrease is due to the biological degradation mechanism associated with BOS 200®. Pre and post-injection Benzene isoconcentration plots are provided.